What is wage portage?

Eurasanté, in partnership with HDFID and SATT NORD, will launch next October a « wage portage » platform to help deeptech start-ups to source rare profiles and skills they need to develop. To better understand this project, here are some explanations concerning wage portage.

What is wage portage?

Wage portage is an alternative to having to create a business that allows professionals to carry out an activity without having to set up a business. This status allows them to benefit from the advantages of independence and employee status without the disadvantages.

You can become an employee of the wage portage company by signing an employment contract with it. You will be autonomous in your prospecting, negotiation, and the accomplishment of your missions. You will be able to invoice your clients through the wage portage company.

Each month, your turnover is paid in the form of salary and fees. To do this, the wage portage company takes a commercial commission and charges. which it transfers to the various contribution funds.

By opting for wage portage, you will be exempt from administrative constraints. The risks linked to your activity are also limited.

Therefore, if you wish to end your project, you can break the employment contract which binds you to the wage portage company as in a traditional job.

How does it work?

From a contractual point of view, the wage portage company sets up two contracts with its workers: the membership agreement corresponds to the commercial contract which links you to the salary portage company. It sets the framework for your collaboration. The employment contract, meanwhile, starts at your first mission.

When it comes to customers, you can work on signed offers or on the order form. It can also set up a service agreement. You will be provided in most cases by the wage portage company.

What is the cost of wage portage?

In terms of remuneration, this is calculated according to your turnover. Each month, the wage portage company pays you a salary by paying charges (URSSAF, retirement, pension, etc.) and provides you with a pay slip.

This way, you contribute and benefits from social protection: retirement, social security, unemployment, pension, etc. In the end, you receive a net payment equivalent to approximately 50% of your turnover. Your net amount to be paid might change if you have expenses (purchase of supplies, business trips, etc.).

Who can benefit from it?

The wage portage can be suitable for all professional situations: self-employed, individuals in retraining, employees, retirees, students, future business creators, etc.

In general, wage portage is intended for non-regulated intellectual services. The professionals most represented in the portage are consultants, experts, and trainers. Other professionals exercise their profession regularly via this solution: webmasters, developers, graphic designers, project managers, marketing managers, etc.


The 5 advantages of wage portage

1)     Choose your missions, schedules, and fees

As a self-employed and responsible worker:

  • You can freely choose your missions
  • You negotiate your fees and your terms of intervention with your clients
  • You benefit from more flexibility daily
  • You work in the place of your choice, without having to report to any hierarchical superior


2)     Benefit from full social protection

The consultant in wage portage benefits from full social security coverage, identical to the social security scheme of a traditional employee.

Therefore, the status of the wage portage allows you to:

  • Receive reimbursement for your care
  • Have the right to unemployment (ASSEDIC) (if sufficient invoicing)
  • Contribute to pension funds
  • Receive daily allowances in the event of sick leave
  • Take advantage of professional liability insurance from your portage company


3) Get rid of administrative obligations

In wage portage, the tasks relating to administrative management (invoicing, keeping accounts up to date, declaring social security contributions) are managed by the wage portage company, therefore allowing you to devote yourself solely to the development of your activity.

A financial guarantee is taken out by the wage portage company to ensure part of the remuneration of the employee carried and the payment of social security contributions, in the event of default by the client company.


4)     Take advantage of local support

The degree of autonomy that you benefit from is proportional to the personalized support from which you benefit in the context of your activity. Attached to a regional director and a human resources manager, you can call on their support at any time, if necessary.

A local service which also provides training. Its objective is to understand the features of your profession and integrate the skills related to you.


5)     Multiply the opportunities thanks to a network of experts

By becoming a wage portage employee, you join a network of consultants driven by a common desire to undertake business. Professionals with sometimes very different profiles with whom to exchange, share and collaborate during events organized by the wage portage company.

These meetings are an opportunity to develop your network and build solid links with other consultants, then work together on professional projects.


Sources : https://www.lecoindesentrepreneurs.fr/portage-salarial/


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